
A very 'unique' discord bot

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Build Status Docker Automated build Dependencies

Uniqulem is a discord bot that is created to help you with your needs. The bot is coded from the Discord API and it’s pretty simple for now. The first version was just coded in just one day and it’s very stable.

Uniqulem also has its own discord server: Join the server here

Current Version: 1.3.1


Uniqulem uses





Want to put the bot on your server? If so, that sounds great and awesome! To add the bot to your discord server, make sure you have manage server or administrator privileges to add it.

Click here to add Uniqulem to your server!

Note: Don’t uncheck any boxes! If you do, you might miss out on future updates the bot has!


If you want, there is a docker automated build located here.

Once you get it, make sure to configure config.json to include your bot token, as mine is censored. It is located in /core/config.json.

Commands (so far)

;clear - Clear’s the chat

;say - Says a message by you

;server - Get an invite to the Uniqulem server

;hello - Makes the bot say hi

;info - Tells you all about the bot

;help - List’s all the commands


I have made a trello for the bot! This is for seeing what I am working on currently but I might add more in the future! Click here to join!

Contribute to the Project

This bot has a long ways to go, but a way that you can help is by contributing to this project. Whether it’s adding a new feature or rewriting the bot in a new coding language, you help out a whole lot to make this a really great and useful bot. All you have to do to contribute is to propose your files here!


If you like the bot and want to keep it running or let it have new features, a donation can help a lot.

Patreon link: patreon.com/uniqulem